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Reimagining the Future of Sustainable Mobility


Dundee, Scotland




Project Principle Investigator (PI).

Project type

Design Research


Fraser Bruce

Film Maker

Dylan Drummond

In an era defined by swift technological advancements, global interconnectedness, and a host of unprecedented challenges, our ability to envision and shape the future has become an imperative of paramount importance.

This project presents an exploratory method known as 'Design Imaginariums,' imaginative and pop-up spaces that amalgamate speculative design with creative problem-solving, engaging citizens in the design process. Drawing inspiration and insights from a real-world prototype that focused on reimagining the future of sustainable mobility, to prompt innovative insights and recommendations for urban planners, policymakers, and designers, facili-tating the creation of urban spaces that are not only ecologically thriving but also inclusive, equitable, and safe for all. These encompass the intricate domains of sustainable urban planning, the quest for social equity, fortifying environmental resilience and adoption of cutting-edge technologies. Moreover, the project underscores the re-markable capacity of imaginative scenarios to inform and influence policymaking and transformative change.

This project was undertaken in collaboration with local partners, a diverse consortium, including V&A Dundee, a design museum and Scotland's national center for design, the Universities of Dundee and Abertay with their AHRC-funded 'InGAME' project dedicated to exploring gaming technology for social good, and Michelin Scotland Innovation Parc (MSIP), a prominent national hub for Sustainable Mobility and decarbonisation initiatives in Scotland.

This strategic regional partnership not only facilitated the study's exploration of the complexities associated with the climate crisis, particularly concerning sustainable
mobility but also allowed for the innovative integration of gaming technology through the unique platform of 'Design Imaginarium'. Through this collaborative effort, the research aimed to not only address the urgent challenges of the climate crisis but also explore novel solutions leveraging the imaginative and engaging realm of gaming technology for social good within the framework of 'Design Imaginarium.'

The pop-up Imaginarium was also showcased at a Demonstrator event led by Michelin Innovation Parc in 2023 bringing different sectors together to discuss the challenges of decarbonisation. In response to the Scottish Government targets of 2045 for the country to have Net Zero emissions.

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